Susan’s Interview on Power 98FM podcast on Health Coaching in Singapore
Susan’s Interview with Power 98FM on Health Coaching in Singapore on 10 Apr 2024

Susan’s Interview with Power 98FM on Health Coaching in Singapore on 10 Apr 2024

You are What You Eat. How healthy are your meals? Susan’s rating on Zhaki’s meals.

Susan’s article on Health Coaches’ Roles in Healthier SG on CNA

Susan’s article on Making Healthy Hawker Food Choices on CNA
Susan’s CNA FM93.8 Interview on Singapore Today with Lance Alexander and Daniel Martin

Susan’s story on #SingaporeStories with Eugene Loh CNA FM93.8
CNA: Helping Seniors in the Workplace
In 2016, CFS engaged ECI’s Founder to design this program. Susan conducted a few focus group discussions with the learners to find out about their learning needs before designing this modular program. In that same year, Susan piloted this program for CFS. A few amendments were made to the program based on the feedback from the pilot runs. Susan has been working closely with CFS to implement the training and has been conducting this program for CFS since 2016.

Miss Low Yen Ling (Senior Parliamentary Secretary Ministry of Manpower) talks about career planning course designed by ECI. This is one of the successful projects that ECI has delivered for its client, CFS, to promote well-being & happiness at workplaces.